Proposal for exploring game decisions informed by
expectations of joint probability distributions
To: Scott Powers, Director of Quantitative Analysis, Los Angeles Dodgers
From: Scott Spencer, Faculty and Lecturer, Columbia University
14 February 2019
Our game decisions based on current modeling do not maximize spend per win. We wit-
nessed the mid-market Astros use analytics to overtake us in the 2017 World Series
(Luhnow 2018ab). Our efforts also do not maximize expected wins. But we can. To do
so, we need to jointly model probabilities of all game events and base decisions on expec-
tations of those distributions. With adequate computing emerging, we can be first using
the probabilistic programming language Stan and parallel processing. To demonstrate
the concept, consider a probability model for decisions to steal second base, below, which
ggests teams are too conservative, leaving wins unclaimed. This model allows us to
ask, for example—should Sanchez steal against Sabathia? Or against Pineda? Having
modeled stealing second, we next need to hire and jointly model the rest of the game.
1 Our current analyses do not optimize expected wins
Seven terabytes of uncompressed data generated per game overshadow the lack of situa-
tional data needed for decision-making that maximizes expected utility. Consider that
pitchers, on average, only face10 percent of major league batters regardless of game state;
the reverse is true, too. Or when deciding whether a base runner should attempt to steal
against a specific pitcher and catcher in a state of play, say, we are lucky to have any data.
Common analyses and heuristics for these situations are inadequate: they not only over-
fit the data (if any exist), but also offer no manner of estimating changes in probabilities
for maximizing expected utility (winning the game).
Accurately quantifying probabilities, and changes thereof, in a given context enable us to
answer counterfactuals, from which we can build strategies that maximize our objectives
(Parmigiani 2002). This approach is possible at scale using Stan (Carpenter et al. 2017).
It’s time to jointly model probabilities of all events.
2 Modeling probabilities for steal success illustrates a broader benefit
To see the potential of implementing probability models, let’s consider, again, the deci-
sion to steal bases, given a specific counterfactual: