The function below provides quick access to R color name information in an R Studio session. Running the function provides a grid of tiled colors, where you may hover over the tile to get its R color name, hex code, and rgb value:

To have function ready when you open R Studio, place the code into a file, say, plot_colors.r and follow these steps:


Save the file:

Make sure the plot_colors.r file (which contains the code) is saved in a location where it can be easily accessed.

Locate or create the .Rprofile file:

The .Rprofile file is an initialization script that R reads every time it starts. This file can either be in the project’s root directory (if you want it to load only for that project) or in your home directory (if you want it to load globally every time RStudio starts, regardless of the project).

To create or locate the global .Rprofile, use the following command in R: file.edit("~/.Rprofile") This will either open the existing .Rprofile or create a new one in your home directory.

Modify the .Rprofile file:

In the .Rprofile file, add the following line of code to source the plot_colors.r file when RStudio starts: source("/path/to/your/plot_colors.r")

Make sure to replace “/path/to/your/plot_colors.r” with the actual file path where plot_colors.r is located.

If you are working in a specific RStudio project and want it to load only for that project, create a .Rprofile file in the root directory of the project and add the same line.

Restart RStudio:

Once you’ve saved the changes to the .Rprofile file, restart RStudio. The code from plot_colors.r should automatically load into your R environment each time you start RStudio.

Verifying the Setup:

After RStudio restarts, you can use the function plot_colors() With these steps, the code in plot_colors.r will be sourced into the R environment every time RStudio starts.



get_hsv_values <- function(color_name) {
  rgb_values <- col2rgb(color_name) / 255
  hsv_values <- rgb2hsv(rgb_values[1], 
    H = hsv_values['h', ], 
    S = hsv_values['s', ], 
    V = hsv_values['v', ])

plot_colors <- function() {
  colors_df <- tibble(
    color_name = colors(),
    hex_code = rgb(
      col2rgb(colors())[1, ],
      col2rgb(colors())[2, ],
      col2rgb(colors())[3, ],
      maxColorValue = 255
  ) |>
    distinct(hex_code, .keep_all = TRUE) |>
      hsv_value = map(color_name, get_hsv_values)
    ) |>
    unnest(hsv_value) |>
    arrange(H, S, V)
  n_colors <- nrow(colors_df)
  grid_size <- ceiling(sqrt(n_colors))
  colors_df <- colors_df |>
      x = rep(1:grid_size, length.out = n_colors),
      y = rep(1:grid_size, each = grid_size)[1:n_colors]
  p <- ggplot(colors_df, aes(x, y)) +
        fill = color_name,
        tooltip = paste0(
            col2rgb(color_name)[1, ],
            col2rgb(color_name)[2, ],
            col2rgb(color_name)[3, ],
            sep = ', '
        data_id = color_name
      color = 'black',
      width = 0.95,
      height = 0.95
    ) +
    annotate('text', x = 20, y = 22, label = ' > colors()',
      hjust = 0, size = 11 / .pt
    ) +
      values = setNames(colors_df$hex_code, colors_df$color_name)
    ) +
    theme_void() +
    theme(legend.position = 'none') +
      title = str_c('Hover over a tile to reveal',
                    'its name, hex code, and rgb values.')
    ggobj = p,
    options = list(
      opts_selection(type = 'single'),
      opts_hover(css = 'fill-opacity:0.8;'),
      opts_sizing(rescale = TRUE)
