Explore conditions of January, CitiBike ridership for segmentation and targeting.

How to explore : Hovering over any line will link the four variables — weather, rides per minute, average age, and percent female — and identify the date and weekday selected. Quick takes : The morning and evening weekday peak commutes stand out from weekends, of course. But more interestingly, on New Year’s Day, our warmest of the month, you’ll find a significant swing in average age as night became morning; were our younger commuters out late, sleeping in? Below are smoothed functions of the data.

Do rider attributes correlate with lower usage? Are we missing key target audiences?
Are there better temperatures for us to trigger marketing messages to encourage rides?
How can we segment our audience to find opportunities for increasing ridership?
Are there better times of day for us to trigger marketing messages to encourage rides?
The lines show cubic splines, smoothing variation of each variable over the day. Sources: NYC Open Data,
The Open Bus project, and Weather Underground. 2019 January 1-31. Design and code by Scott Spencer. 2021 March 31.